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Creative Practice Brand is based on four key components. The efficacy of the design. The Expertise thye command and deliver. â€‹
Base Level Employability
Productivity, Reliability, Resilience, Interpersonal
Design Practice Employability
Skill Sets, Methodologies, Design Intelligence
Project Leadership Employability
Project Practices, Team Intelligence, Design Management, Client Collaboration
Enterprise Innovation  Employability
Project Vision, Collaboration, Leadership  and Management

Building a 'Creative Practice Brand'

developing and advocating employability

  1. Design Discourse
  2. Vision + Intent
  3. Benchmarking
  4. Reflective Practice
  5. CPD Practices
  6. Portfolio Building
  7. Broadcasting
  8. Networking

Creative Practice Branding Model

Creative Practice Brand

Building Action Plan

Creative Practice Brand  - level of employability 

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