Building a User Persona
Building an authentic and cogent user persona can realise a wide range of potential benefits at the very beginning of a project process
Generate customer insight
Inform design processes
Test or validate assumptions
Uncover unknown or unexpected issues
Fix problems early when they are cheapest to resolve
Implement 80%-20% cost value- ratio at the projects' outset
Highlight unnecessary features
Achieve a greater fit between your product and customer
Identify unmet or emerging needs
Discover opportunities to innovate or improve the product
Provide objectivity and help resolve clashes of opinion
Improve end user experience
Commence the ‘prototyping’ of your design thinking
Role of User Personas in Design Practice
humanise design focus
form & test project scenarios
aid design communication within a design team, clients & user groups
enable user-centred design so that designers understand people (users + consumers )
Imagine the world as a street ordered by income. Everyone lives somewhere on the street. The poorest lives to the left and the richest to the right. Everybody else live somewhere in between. Welcome to visit all homes on Dollar Street!