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Scoping Innovation Drivers +
Project Framing process plan + methodologies
Phase Objectives
Enhance existing knowledge
Establish new knowledge
Identify Innovation triggers
Capture Research Insights
Outline Project Design Factors
Define a Project Scenario

Innovation Drivers : scources + strategies
Drivers of Change investigates the key global issues and trends driving change in our societies and markets.
These prompt cards help initiate conversations, act as workshop materials, provide a foundation for further study and serve as an input for strategy and innovation processes
PESTLE Analsysis Process
'e' book
ARUP - drivers of change cards
PESTLE Analsysis Process
method notes
STEEP Analsysis Process
method notes
Innovation Visions + Strategies:
Innovation Programmes + Initiatives:
17 SDG's
2030 agenda
The 2030 Agenda comprises 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, which will guide policy and funding for the next 15 years
UN SDG's 2030
strategy report 2015

EU 2020 vision
EU has set five ambitious objectives - on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy - to be reached by 2020.
EU 2020 Vision Report
published 2010
Richard Florida
The Rise of the Creative Class
Richard has been appointed to the Business Innovation Factory’s Research Advisory Council and recently named European Ambassador for Creativity and Innovation.
Richard Florida
Philips Design 90+ work
Frog Design portfolio
IDEO Design portfolio
VHM discourse + portfolio
'we make money not art'
MOMA Design + Elatsic Mind
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