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A measurement of the quality of a design practitioner’s expertise, process, enterprise,
strategies, etc., and their comparison with standard measurements, or similar measurements of its peers.
The value of active benchmarking is in keeping in touch with the flow of competition; how this is progressing, evolving and what are the emerging futures of the competition.
The creative based enterprise  is driven by unceasing change and aspires to generate new progress.
The objectives of benchmarking are
(1) to determine what and where improvements
are called for
(2) to analyse how other practitioners achieve their high performance levels, and
(3) to use this information toimprove performance

Reflective Practice

measuring up to the competition


process + types

UK Design Council


12 months

24 months

36 months


bench mark criteria

reflective Practice

Illustrator ai. file

SWOT reflective practice process

reflective writing

why + how

acknowledged design practice - 'new designers' - benchmarks 

BIDA National

Occupational Standards 2014

British Industrial Design Association membership is a benchmark of creativity and best-practice for professionals and graduates working in product, interaction and service design.

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