VALUE ENGINEERING: enables companies in the process of optimisation, e.g. from industry and medical technology as well as manufacturers of household appliances, throughout the complete product development process.
VALUE ENGINEERING: support spans from targeted optimisation of individual assemblies to the fundamental new development of complex equipment and the associated disposables.
The five vital pillars of value engineering philosophy:
Design for performance: material optimisation / performance optimisation/ topology optimisation
Design to cost: During the entire duration of the product development, it is necessary to resolutely keep an eye open for the most cost-efficient solution. The follow-up costs in particular must be taken into consideration in this context.
Design for manufacturing: The product design focuses on producing components in the most simple, and for that reason, most reasonably priced way.
Design for assembly: The same logic applies when optimising the completion of the end product, which rarely consists of just one part. The individual components are designed to be assembled as simply and efficiently as possible.
Lean production: The economical and time-efficient use of production factors must be at the centre of all company activities. This also applies to resources, personnel, planning and organisation.
Value Analysis / Value Engineering Process
Value Analysis / Value Engineering aims to delivers optimum specifications for Parts, Assemblies and complete Products.
In addition to VA/VE, the application of modularity results in over 50% component commonality - enabling a NPD road-map to develop products with multiple variations ( market niches) while reducing part numbers on BOM and flattening investment liability / increasing ROI ratios.
Process Steps
Design and functionality study
Design for Manufacturing validation
GD&T and Tolerance Stack up
Finite Element Analysis
BOM Analysis
Material Study and Selection
Tooling Cost Analysis
Cycle Time and Through put study
Whole Life Value Analysis/ Engineering Value
Do you know the real cost of the development over its life time? Whole-life VA/VE, - helps NPD teams understand whole life outputs, to achieve best value in the long-term.
Whole-life VA/VE, help clients appreciate how a detailed understanding of whole life can inform decision-making that involves more than the consideration of capital budgets. Whole-life VA/VE, support also helps eliminate any unnecessary costs.
Whole life factors
VA/VE, provides whole life value services, with specialised experience on a range of projects across most sectors. VA/VE, helps NOD teams to achieve value for money, optimise costs, improve processes and make the right acquisition and construction decisions at every stage of the process.
The whole-life cost model presents the total cost implications of the project. It combines the capital costs of constructing the facility with maintenance, operational and occupational costs. Whole-life value also considers the position at the end of the study period when the facility will need to be disposed of, either by sale or redevelopment.
Life cycle assessment
Whole-life VA/VE, identify and analyse a project’s life-cycle costs, in addition to the significant impact that changes can have over the whole life of a building. It may be that a higher initial capital investment would generate greater value for money in the longer term, with considerably lower costs of operation, replacement and maintenance.
Whole-life VA/VE, provide detailed reports which should comply with BS ISO 15686-5:2008 to form the solid basis of a clear asset management strategy.
Life cycle costs and sustainable solutions
Whole-life VA/VE, compare whole life options for construction components and services. This helps NPD teams to achieve the best value solution, considering the overall energy requirements and future running costs, leading to long-term operational benefits.
Whole-life VA/VE process provide a cost profile for the maintenance and component replacement requirements of a building. This allows NPD teams to manage expenditure effectively throughout the term of the whole life value assessment period.
Whole-life VA/VE services also include a life-cycle assessment to satisfy increasing commitments to sustainability, including embodied energy comparisons and BS ISO 14040/14044 environmental effects.
Value engineering
Whole-life VA/VE helps to maximise value for money, from inception to completion.
Whole-life VA/VE is not a cost-cutting exercise, but is a means of removing any element that adds cost without contributing to function or performance. This might involve materials, processes, suppliers, over-specification or the timing of project phases.
From the idea to cost-value optimised product
Value engineering is achieved by focusing on the core activities and by means of the close cooperation between marketing, development, production and purchasing
Optimise costs and quality purposefully
A value engineering process for the reduction of production costs incorporates marketing and development as well as resource purchasing and production.
The worldwide competition is becoming ever more demanding
Globalisation does not only offer opportunities such as bigger export markets or faster transfer of knowledge. Although the pie is now bigger, it is shared between ever more competitors. That has consequences:
The market demands that product costs be reduced by 20 percent and more.
The requirements of customers on quality and functionality are increasing rapidly.
Additional innovations must be seamlessly integrated on a constant basis.
With the help of a value engineering process. It is much easier to identify and realise the potential for cost reduction and to vastly speed up development.
In addition, the extensive know-how of a value-engineering process increases the innovative capability of a company's NPD process.