Circular Economy
01: Refinement of proposal form
02: Refinement of UX/UI/SX
03: Detailed SW Prototype
04: Manufacturable Analysis
05: LCA Analysis
enables products of today
to become the resources of tomorrow
ESG Futures
Corporate Boards + Hedge-Funds consider the ESG model as a key investment future
Bio-Plastic case studies
Bio-Plastic - a 'Poly-Prop' type polymer for the future
PLA + Organic filler
bamboo fibre
hemp fibre
coconut husk fibre
agri-waste - rice husk
Bamboo Bio Plastics Study notes
six times growth in the application of bio-plastics by 2025
EU Bio-Plastic market reports
IOT Market futures -connected devices is projected to increase to
43 billion by 2023
After years of hype, anticipation, and steady uptake, the Internet of Things (IoT) seems poised to cross over into mainstream business use.
The number of businesses that use the IoT technologies has increased from 13 percent in 2014 to about 25 percent today. And the worldwide number of IoT-connected devices is projected to increase to 43 billion by 2023, an almost threefold increase from 2018
Progress in cloud computing
Cloud platforms, the hardware and operating environments of web-based data centres, developed quickly over the past half-decade and now grow at a CAGR of 18 percent.7
During that time, large technology providers contributed their data-storage capacity and computing power as crucial fuel for the growth of IoT applications, which helped create numerous sophisticated functionalities for security and analytics. These functionalities were aided by strategic, technical partners between providers of specialised services that further augmented the value of cloud computing. For instance, a provider of cloud infrastructure might partner with a supplier of analytics solutions. In that vein, advances such as mobile edge computing (which reduces network congestion and improves application performance) can make IoT solutions easier to implement and use.